two months ago, we don't even talk to each other,
a complete strangers to one and another.
but last month, in just one night of being together we became friends, close friends,
exactly seven days, we play and giggle like kids on a playground,
i enjoyed and will forever cherish every moment we had, we got comfortable with each other easily,
too comfortable that on the 8th day, it made us do something that created so many questions in my head;
why did you do that?
why did i do that?
why did you allow me to do that?
why did i allow you to do that?
and many more whys...
i thought everything will just end there at that moment,
but as we keep on seeing each other,though the exact action didn't happened anymore,
the words continued to utter from our mouth and evrything keeps on playing on our minds,
provocative and tempting but i chose to hinder myself from doing it,i kept myself from holding it for one week,
i heard so many things about your doings... before, after and even while we are somewhere outhere,
but i accepted it and i stand to it for a week,
but because of so too many things i heard and because of the presence of the annoying people,
despite of the acceptance i had just made, it turned into a despice and scrutiny...
after a month long of unexpected things that happened to us,
i felt that i am getting attached to you, that moment, i believe i had fallen already for you...
i love the way you talk to me
i love the way you touch me
i love the way you look at me
i love the way you caress me
as i hurted you and i admitted it and asked for your forgiveness,
still it took for a week before you have forgiven me,
it made me think twice, and as i go over to everything, i realized...
it was just an infatuation!
we then see each other again, for two weeks of doing it, i learned to observe,
people talks about us, about the real score between us!
they believe that i am in-love with you, and admit it or not,
you, as well thinks of it,
and i'm not stupid to not feel, see and hear it,
yes, i'm attached to you, maybe because
i enjoy talking to you
i am comfortable being with you
i like your personalityi can relate to your personal problem
i love you making fool out of me
and it makes me feel bad!
definitely not romantically attached!
i know even before that you can't build a relationship with me,
i am completely aware of it,
i am also aware that your just to sweet and affectionate to your friends,
too much enough to make them fall for you,
honestly, for quite some time i thought of it also, thinking of maybe you like me, maybe it's just that your not yet sure or you just want the feeling of it and no benfits nor commitment
but what makes me awake of reality is because i know you, i know you can't and don't
but what hurts me now...
you make me feel that i don't have the right to feel bad about you
you make me feel that you can live without me and i can't without you.
and what makes it worst?
your friends are enjoying our show...
i love you my firend
please be sensitive to what i feel...
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