we do not see things as they are; we see things as we are.


Thoughts, Ideas, Experiences and Emotions from Quandaries of the Author

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Class President Again?!

Now in 4th year college, it is my 3rd term to be the class president, though we are only few in the class at HRM4-1... i am also the class president of HRM4-2, the faculty decided to combine the two section because of the odd number of students, because 70-75% of the 4th year students are having their internship while, we, the left overs (Joke!) were going to take our internship next semester...

Eventhough only few seniors are left, the weight of being president at this point is very heavy...
there are already many problems interms of scheaduling and allocating of students to the classes...

Some of our classes are dissolve because of low enrollees for that subject because some that should took it in our class, took it to the other class.

Darn! too many more to come!

But on the other hand... its good for my C.V. and more certificates!


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